Thursday, March 5, 2009


God created everything. All the galaxies and the earth, and all that is on the earth ( Genesis:1 ). He wanted to have a people who He could have a relationship with, and who would love Him. So he gave us free will, which enables us to truly love the Lord, because we choose to. But with this free will we chose to sin against God. In doing this we separated ourselves from our God and could no longer be with Him, because the Lord is perfect and has no sin. We have all sinned and so all of us have made a gap between us and our Lord ( Romans 3:23 ). Because we are separated from our God, we are bound for Hell. But if we are honest with ourselves and think of all the things we have done, all of us deserve to go to Hell. We are imperfect and unworthy of such an awesome Lord. But God loved us so much and wanted a relationship with us so badly that He sent His only son Jesus to die on the cross for our sins ( John 3:16 ). You see, Jesus was perfect, he never sinned. But when He died on the cross He took upon Himself the sin of the whole world. He was the most loving, perfect man on the earth, and He was also the son of God. Now if we believe in Him, confess our sins, put Him as Lord over our lives, trust God and live for Him, than He will forgive us for all the things we have done, and we can go to Heaven ( Romans 10:9-10 ). It doesn't matter what you've done, if you ask Jesus into your heart and ask for forgiveness, than He will forgive you! What great love! We didn't deserve any kindness from Him, yet He died the most painful death so that we could go to heaven and not hell! He offers us the gift of salvation because He loves us more than we will ever understand. I encourage you to think about what I have said. Please don't live your life thinking you know the truth and then when the end comes you realize you don't. God is real and Jesus is alive! I have seen Him move and I will write other posts about times where I have witnessed His love and power! You can KNOW that you are going to heaven! You can have HOPE and a PURPOSE for your life! Trust God and witness His reality in your own personal life!


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